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Striogyia snelleni sp. n. 

Striogyia snelleni

 8mm. The facies is much as in foliola Snellen but the forewings are shorter, deeper and a more pinkish brown colour. The male and female are as illustrated and described in the generic account. The female differs from that of foliola (represented by the holotypeonly) in having a more extensively spiralled ductus, a longer bursa and a deeper, almost heart-shaped signum.

Holotype SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site 16, March, Long Pala (Base) 70m, 324450 Alluv./ Second. for. BM limacodid slide 396.

Geographical range. Borneo. Sumatran males have significantly different genitalia and, though a Sumatran female is illustrated here to show generic genitalic characters, probably represent a distinct species, to which a specimen from Singapore is also likely to belong.

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