Antitrygodes pseudagrata sp. n.
14, 15mm,
14mm. This species is externally similar to A. agrata Felder
(Moluccas), A. restricta Prout stat. n. from Sulawesi (slide
18401) and A. vicina Thierry-Mieg stat. rev. (N.E. Himalaya), but
differs markedly in features of the male genitalia. The socii are broad, short,
bifid in agrata, but twice as long, narrow, club-like in pseudagrata. The
valves in pseudagrata have an additional, double, central spur, not seen
in other taxa of the group; the distal digitate process is only half as large as
that of agrata. A. restricta has the socii narrow, but tapering, acute;
the distal processes of the valves are outcurved. In vicina the socii are
fused and the valves and cerata of the eighth sternite are bilaterally
asymmetric. Material from Luzon (slide 18400) is probably referable to pseudagrata,
but the socii are somewhat shorter, broader; the cerata are also shorter.
Bornean material is worn, so a male of A. vicina is illustrated below. The complex is distinguished from A. divisaria on the diagnosis for
that species above.
Antitrygodes vicina (Khasis)
Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway
et al.) Site 16, March, Long Pala (Base) 70m. 324450 Alluv./ second. for.,
MV on batu, BM geometrid slide 17779.
Paratypes: 1 as holotype; 1 general data as holotype but Site 23, April, W. Melinau
Gorge, 250m, 430558, FEG 4, limestone forest.
Geographical range. Borneo; ?Philippines (Luzon).
Habitat preference. All three specimens are from lowland forest, two from
alluvial forest and one from forest on limestone.
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