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Artena dotata Fabricius 
Noctua dotata Fabricius, 1794, Ent. Syst. III, 2: 55.
Artena dotata Fabricius; Holloway, 1976: 29.

Artena dotata

. This and the next three species all have strong fasciation in the form of oblique postmedial and antemedial lines. In dotata these are predominantly pale and diverge significantly towards the costa; the postmedial is irregular (straight in the next three species). The blue band in the centre of the hindwing is more strongly curved than in the other species where it occurs.

Geographical range. Indian Subregion to Taiwan, Japan, Sumatra and Borneo.

Habitat preference. Most records in recent surveys have been from areas of lowland forest, including those with much secondary vegetation after logging. One specimen was taken at 1930m on G. Kinabalu.

Biology. Bell (MS) described the life history. The hatchling larvae are spidery with the true legs comb-like on a thick thorax, but with the abdomen long and thin with only the prolegs on A5 and A6 developed. The primary setae are long. In the third instar, the larvae are light brown with a series of white lines running longitudinally, with slightly broader pale fawn lines in between them as well, such that ground colour, being darkest, is also reduced to fine lines. The setae arise from small black dots; the dorsolateral tubercles on A8 are more prominent, and there is a black patch subdorsally on A1. The mature larva and penultimate instar are similar in longitudinal lineation, and have a circular spot of variegated black within the dorsal band of A5 as seen also in Thyas (p. 45); there are indications of smaller dorsal spots on A4 and A6, and the black patch on A1 persists (seen also in Ophiusa); the ventral surface, with dark patches between the prolegs is also similar to that in Thyas. The general colour of the longitudinal lineations is variable but is usually yellow-brown of different shades, with whitish lines and purplish lineation and dotting.

The blue-green egg is spherical, vertically ridged (26-28 ridges), with fine cross-ridges in between. The pupa is typically ophiusine, and Bell noted a slight, white, powdery bloom on it.

The eggs are laid singly on a stem or leaf. The young larva lives on the edge or underside of a young leaf and has a rapid, semi-looping gait. Later instars rest fully stretched on stems or twigs, pressed to them. Feeding is mostly at night. Pupation is in a cell of leaves bound together with silk.

Recorded host plants (Bell; Robinson
et al., 2001) are all in the Combretaceae; Combretum, Getonia, Quisqualis and Terminalia.

The adult is known to pierce fruit in Thailand (Bänziger, 1982; Kuroko & Lewvanich, 1993).

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