Moore Bomolocha vestita Moore, [1885] 1884-1887, Lep. Ceylon, 3: 221. Bomolocha obductalis Walker sensu Holloway, 1976: 43, partim (see also next species).
Hypena vestita
Diagnosis. The species has the forewing ground a clearer, paler, more uniform greyish brown than in obductalis Walker or the next species such that the more basal black area stands out clearly. The submarginal dark marking distal to the dentate extension of the black area is relatively small and clear. The postmedial border of the black area curves back slightly basad into the costa rather than continuing aon outward curvature. The corpus bursae of the female genitalia is very long, and narrow more or less throughout.
Taxonomic note. Holloway (1976) followed an erroneous synonymy of vestita with obductalis, correctly separated by Poole (1989). The female genitalia of obductalis have a shorter (not much longer than the narrow ductus) and broader corpus bursae that is rugose, with a distinctly more scobinate zone at the distal end. Possibly related species with similar facies but different male genitalia occur in Sulawesi (slide 19939) and Seram (19859), represented by males only in material to hand. That from Seram in particular has more robust genitalia, with the uncus longer and the valves larger, the latter with a more prominent central pleat that has a flange at right angles to it on its ventral side rather than a small triangular process.
Geographical range. Sri Lanka, India, Borneo.
Habitat preference. A single female was taken in tall montane forest at 1500m on the Mesilau Plateau of G. Kinabalu.