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Gadirtha impingens Walker
Gadirtha impingens Walker, 1857 [1858], List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 13: 1103.
Scolopocneme bufonia Felder & Felder, 1862, Wien. ent. Monatschr., 6: 38.
Checupa tinctoides Snellen, 1877, Tij
dschr. Ent., 20: 71.
Gadirtha inexacta ab. papuensis Warren, 1913, Gross-Schmett. Erde, 3: 292.
Gadirtha inexacta ab. uniformis Warren, 1913, Gross-Schmett. Erde, 3: 292.
Gadirtha guineana Swinhoe, 1918, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9), 2: 70, syn. n.
Gadirtha inexacta buruensis Prout, 1926, Entomologist, 59: 69.
Gadirtha inexacta Walker sensu Holloway, 1976: 21.


Gadirtha impingens

See the previous species.

Taxonomic note. The syntypic series of impingens is mixed (see previous species); the syntype female from Hong Kong is therefore selected as LECTOTYPE. There is some variation in facies through the range of the species but not in the male genitalia. The typical race (= bufonia) has a rather uniform, slightly purplish tone to the forewing facies, grading into a more variegated form in the N.E. Himalaya (ssp. uniformis). This in turn grades into the slightly larger form seen from Sundaland to the Moluccas (ssp. tinctoides = buruensis). The race from New Guinea eastwards (ssp. papuensis = guineana) is a similar size and has a similar forewing facies, but the hindwing is more pale bone colour with a broad brown border.

Geographical range. N. India and S. China to Queensland, Bismarcks and Solomons.

Habitat preference. The species ranges from the lowlands to 2600m, but is most frequent in the 1000-2000m range.

Biology. A larval host-plant recorded (IIE, unpublished) in Hong Kong was Sapium (Euphorbiaceae). Mell (1943) recorded Stillingia in the same family.

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