Ctenane Swinhoe
Type species:
Swinhoe, Borneo.
The genus is transferred from the Lithosiinae (Holloway, 2001) and consists of
two small grey species with forewing facies similar to that of the type species
Walker (see below). There are darker transverse markings: a broad medial band,
centrally constricted, an obtusely angled, punctate postmedial and a more diffuse marginal zone of dark grey, interrupted by a narrow, pale,
submarginal line. However, the hindwing venation is quadrifine, rather than
trifine, with M3 and CuA1 stalked, and the forewing venation is complete, with
radial sector branching ((R2 (R3, R4)) R5) as in the next four genera. The male
antennae are bipectinate.
The male abdomen has short, divergent
apodemes on the narrowed eighth tergite only. The uncus has a rather bulbous,
jowled, setose apex that terminates in a downcurved spine. Basally it has a
ventral spur that supports a pair of rake-like structures. The valves are
simple, narrow, tongue-like, with a strong, longitudinally grooved and apically
spatulate harpe. The uncus is moderate, straight, with no obvious ornamentation
except a weak apical lobe.
The possible female has a single invaginated signum of the derived type. The
corpus bursae is spherical, finely rugose, and gives rise to a balloon-like
appendix bursae. The ductus bursae is long, basally rather goblet-shaped, the
ostium being flanked by a pair of small, sclerotised pockets.
Apart from the type species,
the genus also includes C.
Wileman & West (Philippines); this is represented by the unique holotype and has
not been dissected.
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