Unassigned, possibly plesiomorphic genera
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Stictosia decubitana Walker stat. rev.  
Tospitis decubitana Walker, 1863, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 28: 431.

Stictosia decubitana(x 1.63)

Diagnosis and taxonomic note.
This species is only represented by females. It has a browner forewing facies, and the discal dot is relatively more anterior than in congeners. The holotype has a damaged abdomen and the only other specimen has lost this part. The fragments remaining of the holotype genitalia indicate the ductus is long and slender as in flava, but the bursa is much more coarsely and extensively scobinate.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. The two specimens are merely labelled ‘Sarawak’, but the probability is that this is a lowland species.

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