bifida sp. n.
bifida (paratype)
(x 1.30) |
6mm. This is a smaller
species than the previous two, a paler, more fawn grey. The male genitalia
indicate membership of the muricolor group but the uncus is much
broader, the saccular process of the valve flexed only right at its apex, and
the juxta (flexed down in the preparation) only bifid apically. The aedeagus
vesica has a large cornutus as in muricolor but set on a broader
Holotype . BRUNEI:
20 ft., Seria, coastal swamp forest, 11.ii.1982 (G.S. Robinson), BM
arctiid slide 5454.
Paratypes: 1
(slide 5468), 1 BRUNEI: 3m.,
Mumong, secondary and coastal veg., 22.11.1979 (R. Fairclough).
range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The
only specimens are from coastal forest.
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