Zeuzera coffeae Nietner
coffeae Nietner,
1861,Enemies of Coffee Tree: 21.
oblita Swinhoe,
1890, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1890: 198.
coffeae Nietner;
Holloway, 1976: 88.
Diagnosis. Both wings in the male have the spaces between the veins filled with a
regular array of fine but rather weak black striae. In the female the striae are
more definite, more regular than in conferta, but do not extend right up
to the veins in each space; there is a characteristic large black spot in the
forewing cell. In the male genitalia the valve has a gentle subbasal
constriction not seen in conferta which has the valve and uncus shorter.
Geographical range. Oriental Region, Moluccas, New Guinea.
Habitat preference. This species has not been encountered to any great
extent in natural forest and may be commonest in secondary and disturbed forest
and agricultural ecosystems.
Biology. Arora (1976) reviewed the literature on the host-plants of coffeae and
noted it from the following families and genera:
Casuarinaceae: Casuarina.
Erythroxylaceae: Erythroxylum.
Euphorbiaceae: Acalypha, Phyllanthus.
Flacourtiaceae: Doryalis, Hydnocarpus.
Lauraceae: Anona, Cinnamomum, Persea, Phoebe.
Leguminosae: Amherstia, Cassia, Pericopsis, Xylia.
Malvaceae: Gossypium, Hibiscus.
Meliaceae: Cedrela, Chukrasia, Melia, Swietenia.
Myrtaceae: Psidium.
Proteaceae: Grevillea.
Rosaceae: Crataegus, Eriobotrya.
Rubiaceae: Coffea
Rutaceae: Citrus.
Santalaceae: Santalum.
Sapindaceae: Filicium, Nephelium, Schleichera.
Solanaceae: Cestrum.
Sterculiaceae: Theobroma.
Taxodiaceae: Cryptomeria.
Theaceae: Camellia.
Verbenaceae: Clerodendrum, Lantana, Tectona, Vitex.
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