sumatrensis Heylaerts
Nemeta sumatrensis Heylaerts, 1884, Comp. rend. Soc. ent. Belg. 28: 42.
Cheromettia sumatrensis Heylaerts; Hering, 1931: 674.
Diagnosis. The elongate black forewings and small, marginally concave hind-wings of
the male render it unmistakable. The female could be confused with Arbelarosa
species but the forewing is less fasciate, more mottled, with a diagnostic
black apical patch.
Taxonomic notes. The species differs from C. lohor Moore (which resembles C.
ferruginea Moore) in having a splayed array of five spines on the basal
process of the valve rather than just one flexed outwards.
Geographical range. Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Java, Bali;
male specimens from the last two localities have the hindwings centrally
transparent as in C. lohor.
Habitat preference. The only Bornean specimens seen are a male and female
from the lowlands of Brunei.
Biology. The larva is as described in the generic description. It has been
recorded from Elaeis, where it scrapes the epidermis (Wood 1968), Ricinus,
Musa, Mangifera, Erythrina, Phaseolus, Nephelium and Coffea (Piepers
& Snellen 1900, as lohor).
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