castaneipars Moore
Miresa castaneipars Moore,
1865, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond, 1865: 819.
Chalcoscelides castaneipars Moore;
Hering, 1931: 686.
Diagnosis. Confusion is possible only with females of Chalcocelis albiguttatus Snellen
(see below). In the latter the wings have no fine dark brown marginal line,
there is a black discal dot, and the brown subbasal area terminates at the
posterior, rather than anterior, margin of the cell, and is edged white basally
with no pale purple area inside.
Taxonomic notes. Himalayan specimens tend to have a dark brown spot on the forewing
postmedial at the costa, which is otherwise less distinct than in Sundanian
Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Burma, Taiwan, Sundaland.
Habitat preference. The species is rare in Borneo, two being taken in
hill dipterocarp forest on G. Mulu at 150m and 500m.
Biology. The larva is white, smooth, ovate, gelatinous, with a brown band; early
instars have a transverse dark band (Piepers & Snellen, 1900; Kalshoven,
1981). The cocoon is brown, enveloped in white silk. The hostplants are diverse:
Cocos (Palmae); Citrus (Rutaceae); Cinnamomum (Lauraceae); Cassia
(Leguminosae); Spondias (Anacardiaceae); Theobroma (Sterculiaceae);
Trevesia (Araliaceae).
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