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Miresa bracteata Butler  
Miresa bracteata
Walker, 1880, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 6: 64.
Miresa bracteata Butler; Hering, 1931: 682, Barlow, 1982: 39.

Miresa bracteata

The forewing facies, particularly the silvered postmedial with its central whitish triangle, is distinctive. Other non-Bornean species with a white triangle do not have the postmedial so well defined or so sinuous.

Geographical range. Indian subregion, Thailand, Sundaland.

Habitat preference. The species has been taken in a range of lowland habitats, including mangrove. The only specimen from montane forest was taken at 1618m on Bukit Retak, Brunei.

Biology. The larva was described by Bell (MS) in India. It is oblong, with flanks relatively deep between the lateral and dorsolateral tubercles. Dorsolaterals on T2 and A1 and A7 to A9 are prominent, the two interior pairs at each end being longer; they are dark red with black spines on T3, Al and A7, and green with black-tipped yellow spines on A8. The laterals are wart like, yellow spined, green with black tips. The colour is darkish green with thin yellow wavy lines longitudinally connecting the bases of the abdominal dorsolaterals; below this is a dark line bordered thinly with yellow that loops at each end to produce a repeat lineation of green and yellow just above the laterals. There may be transverse yellow and green lines on ridges across the dorsum. Piepers & Snellen (1900) described the larva (as argentifera) in Java. It is perhaps somewhat different, allowing for some latitude in description and accuracy of the illustration. It is dark green, lighter on the flanks and at the ends. The markings are like three rectangles, one inside the other, depicted in white and black lines, broken to produce the ‘loop back' effect mentioned by Bell. The larger dorsolaterals at each extremity are terminally lilac, then ringed with yellow, the spines black or dark violet.

The pupa is enclosed in a grey, ovoid, hard cocoon spotted minutely with black. It is fixed to any surface but preferably a crevice (Bell).

Host-plants recorded by Bell in India were Mangifera, Buchanania (Anacardiaceae), Alseodaphne (Lauraceae) and Terminalia (Combretaceae). Javan hosts (Piepers & Snellen) were Coffea and Cinchona (Rubiaceae).

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