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Thosea vetusinua sp. n
Thosea vetusta
Walker  sensu Hering, 1931: pl 89c.

Thosea vetusinua
(holotype, Peninsular Malaysia)

18-20mm. This species resembles the female of vetusta in both sexes except the forewing discal spot is absent, the postmedial is distinctly sinuous and the marginal zone is more uniformly dark greenish brown. The male genitalia are distinctive with very short furca arms and a roughly rectangular valve with both costal and saccular margins produced into slender processes apically. The eighth sternite has a slender bifid process like the tongue of a snake.

Holotype Genting Tea Estate, 2000ft, W. Pahang, Malaysia, 1.2.1981 (H.S. Barlow) BM limacodid slide 803.

Geographical range. Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo.

Habitat preference. The only Bornean specimen seen was a female from Bidi in the lowlands of Sarawak.

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