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Birthamula Hering

Type species: chara Swinhoe 
The species have dark brown forewings with irregular darker submarginals; the anterior two thirds of the marginal zone is variably pale fawn to brown, the interior border of this patch separating from the submarginal posteriorly to meet the costa. The male antennae are bipectinate to the apex, tapering away there. The postmedial meets the dorsum obliquely posterior to the discal dot, rather than being angled into a chevron there as in the previous genus. The foretibia has no white spot distally. 

The male genitalia have a furca, the arms being long, curved spines in chara, rectangular bands with two or three spines in the interior corner in diffusa Hampson (N.E. Himalaya) and small, slender curved blades in altichara. The uncus is sinuous in profile, the ventral apical or (in chara) subapical spur being relatively slender, long, acute; the sinuosity is weak in diffusa, which is possibly sister species to the other pair. The valves are of similar shape through the genus, with a rather acute apex. 

The female genitalia have the ductus spiralled and a crescent signum in the bursa, though this is short in chara and much reduced in diffusa. The eighth segment has a distal setose lobe and a central setose swelling in chara, the former only in diffusa but a complex array of four laterally elongate lobes in altichara. 

The larva has the same shape and configuration of dorsolateral tubercles as those of Setothosea, Birthosea and Setora.

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