nagani sp. n.
Externally this species resembles lawaii but differs in characters of the male genitalia: the saccular portion of the valve is shorter and its
lobe more equilateral, the central portion is produced into a slender finger,
and the costal portion is straight, somewhat rhomboidal and over half the length
of the costa; the ventral process of the aedeagus terminates well short of the
aedeagus apex.
SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. (J.D. Holloway et al.) BM
1978-206, Site 11, February, Camp 1, Mulu, 150m, 385470, mixed dipt.
forest/river, BM limacodid slide 687.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The holotype was taken in hill dipterocarp forest at
low altitude on the Mulu shale/sandstone formation.
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