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Gymnoscelis celebensis Prout stat. n.  
Gymnoscelis mesophoena celebensis Prout, 1958, Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 6: 444.

Gymnoscelis celebensis
(x 1.16)

Diagnosis. The facies is similar to that of the two previous species, but the tone is greyer than that of derogata, and the broadly darker, medial zone is lacking. The fasciae are more strongly biangular than in pseudotibialis. The species are best distinguished on genitalic features: celebensis has only a single hooked cornutus of any size in the aedeagus vesica, and valve bases that are broadened over the basal portion costally as well as at the sacculus, the latter being considerably less expanded than in pseudotibialis. The ductus bursae is much shorter and not broadly convolute as in pseudotibialis.

Taxonomic notes. Originally described as subspecies of mesophoena, both celebensis and G. taprobanica Prout stat. n. (Sri Lanka) have distinct genitalia and are best treated as good species. In taprobanica the ostium bursae has a comb of long spines across it as in G. tibialis. In typical mesophoena the ductus is broad, funnel-shaped, with a row of numerous short spines along the ventral edge of the ostium, though the valves of the male genitalia (slide 19071) are similar in shape to those of celebensis. In celebensis the ductus and ostium are narrow, unsclerotised, without spines. The bursa in Bornean celebensis is less extensively spined.

Geographical range. Sulawesi, Seram, Borneo.

Habitat preference. The only Bornean specimen, a female, was taken in primary forest at Poring on the east of G. Kinabalu (600m).

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