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Pasiphilodes subtrita Walker comb. n. 
    Eupithecia subtrita
Walker, 1866, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 35: 1675.
    Pasiphila lepta Meyrick, 1886, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1886: 191, syn. n.
Chloroclystis mempta Prout, 1928, Insects of Samoa, 3: 136, syn. n.
Chloroclystis fluctuosa Prout, 1934, Stylops, 3: 254, syn. n.
Chloroclystis woodjonesi Prout, 1940, Gross-Schmett. Erde, 12: p1. 40, and 1958, Bull. Br.
        Mus. nat. Hist.
(Ent), 6: 409, syn. n.
Chloroclystis lepta aeneta Prout, 1958, Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 6: 409. syn. n.
Chloroclystis oceanica Herbulot, 1962, Rev. fr. Ent., 29: 235, syn. n.
Chloroclystis oceanica aucta Herbulot, 1963, Lambillionea 62: 31, syn. n.

Pasiphilodes subtrita
(x 1.16)

Diagnosis. The small size and simply angled postmedials distinguish the species from most eupitheciines of similar facies except possibly Spiralisigna minutissima Swinhoe, but dissection of the genitalia is recommended to confirm identity.

Taxonomic notes. The taxa above are brought into synonymy because of consistency in ornamentation of the bursa of the female. The male genitalia and facies, at least at the Pacific end of the range, show some variation and aedeagus vesica form a basis for definition of subspecies (Robinson, 1975).

Geographical range. Marshall Is, Woodlark Is., ?Tahiti (ssp. lepta); Tonga (ssp. aeneta); Fiji (ssp. fluctuosa); Rotuma (ssp. rotumensis); Samoa (ssp. mempta); Borneo, Andamans; Cocos-Keeling Is. (ssp. woodjonesi); Seychelles (ssp. aucta); Aldabra (ssp. oceanica).

Habitat preference. A male from Labuan I., the provenance of the original material of latifascia and the general distribution suggests this species may prefer coastal and insular habitats.

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