gelastis Meyrick stat. rev.
Pomasia gelastis Meyrick, 1897, Trans. ent. Soc. Lond., 1897:
Diagnosis and taxonomic notes. Males tend to be rather dark with narrow fasciae,
females somewhat larger, patterned more as in vernacularia. This
association is made primarily on grounds of the match between robustness of the
aedeagus and its ornamentation and the strength of the spining in the neck of
the bursa (the ostium is also very broad): the aedeagus cornuti would probably
be rather basal in the vesica when everted. The next three species have a narrow
aedeagus, the vesica lightly ornamented with indications that the cornuti are
more distal. The bursa neck in these species is heavily ornamented, whereas the
bulb is extensively spined: in galastis it is immaculate, and there is an
appendix laterally.
Geographical range. Borneo, N.E. Himalaya (slide 18870).
Habitat preference. The species ranges from the lowlands to about 1700m,
always taken in forested localities though this includes secondary forest.
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