This concept also includes Aletini and Problepsini (See
Sterrhinae), and
is best defined on features of the male and female abdomen. In the male there is
a distinctive pouch, like an empty crab carapace, on the second sternite between
the tympanic bullae. Presumably this interacts with the scent pencils, usually
found on the hind tibia, to disperse pheromone in courtship. The hind-legs of
the male are often reduced relative to the other pairs, with frequent loss of
the claw and sometimes some tarsi (Fig. 175), but there is dense scaling in some
genera in addition to a tibial hair-pencil. The eighth sternite is usually
narrow, tonguelike (the mappa of Pierce (1914) and Covell (1970)), with lateral
rod-like processes (the cerata of Pierce), often asymmetric. The latter are
missing in Problepsis Lederer, and the sternite is massive, still
asymmetric in Zythos Fletcher. The genital capsule is characteristically
ovate with a broad saccus, the valves short, cleft into two processes. The uncus
is reduced or absent, often replaced by a pair of socii. The juxta is usually
robust, V-shaped or U-shaped. In the female the bursa contains a characteristic
signum, an ovate field of separated short, broad spines pointing outwards on
each side of the longitudinal axis. This signum can be elongated into a narrow
band. The ovipositor lobes are longitudinally grooved.

The tribe is found throughout the world, and has been successful in
temperate zones and in open habitats. In the tropics its members have frequently
been recorded visiting mammalian lachrymal secretions (e.g. Banziger, 1973) and
coming to carrion: there is also some association with disturbed open habitats
(Holloway, 1993).
General characters of the larvae are discussed in the subfamily
description. The pupal cremaster has the terminal pair of hooklets much
enlarged, the shafts straight, divergent, their bases separated in Problepsis
and Somatina Guenée (Nakamura, 1994). Three minor pairs persist in Scopula
but these are reduced to one in Somatina and are absent in Problepsis.
Some specialism in larval host-plants is evident: Problepsis on
Oleaceae and Somatina and Antitrygodes Warren on Rubiaceae, though
Somatina has also been noted on Oleaceae, and also on Caprifoliaceae (Sugi,
1987). A few Scopula Schrank are also known to feed on Oleaceae, but the
genus includes a wide range of other plant families in its host range and
includes many forb-feeding species.
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