Ruttellerona pseudocessaria sp. n.
22-24mm. The females of this species, R. pulverulenta Warren and R.
lithina Warren are only reliably distinguished on genitalic features. In pseudocessaria
the lamella postvaginalis is broadly sclerotised to ring the segment, with
distinct, creased “shoulders” on each side. The males tend to have a more
fasciated appearance than those of pallicostaria, with the forewing
discal spot more emphatic, and tend to be darker than males of species closely
allied to pulverulenta (See Ruttelerona
pulverulenta Warren comb. n.), but again are best distinguished by
genitalic features: the uncus has lateral horns as in the pulverulenta group;
the transverse sclerotised band on the valve has a flange at its costal end and
a broadly and obliquely spined lobe at the saccular end, rather than a narrow,
digitate one; in the pulverulenta group there is a dorsally directed
spined lobe on the sacculus. This species has been referred to as cessaria frequently
in the literature, but cessaria appears to be restricted to Sri Lanka and
S. India (see next species).
Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunung Mulu Nat.
Park, R.G.S Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) Site 17, March, Nr. Long
Melinau, 50m, 313441, low secondary forest on riverbank.
6 general
data as holotype but Sites 16 (slide 12709), 19, 21, 25; 1
Bidi, SARAWAK, 1907-1908 (C.J. Brooks), slide 15987, 1 Kuching,
July, 1902, BORNEO (Shelford) 1904: 216.
Geographical range. Oriental tropics east to Seram.
Habitat preference. This is primarily an infrequent species of lowland
forests, but has also been recorded in lower montane and upper montane zones,
the highest record being at 1790m.
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