indentata Warren
Diplurodes indentata
Warren, 1897, Novit. zool., 4: 93.
Diagnosis. This and the next two new species have very similar uniform brown facies,
finely fasciated darker in a manner typical of the genus. Diagnosis is best made
on characters of male genitalia, and is presented in the description below. D.
indentata has a strong pair of additional coremata between segments 3 and 4.
The male genitalia resemble those of D. petras.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The species is rare. Three specimens have been taken
in hill dipterocarp forest, one at 300m in Ulu Temburong, Brunei, one at 150m
and one at 500m on G. Mulu, and one specimen is from lower montane forest
(1000m) on G. Mulu.
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