Satoblephara Gen.
Type species: parvularia Leech.
Sato (1990a) described a group of five related taxa that included parvularia
and three new taxa. These are placed in a new genus as they are excluded
from Diplurodes and other genera as more strictly defined above. A new
species is tentatively added as it shares features of the basal zone of the
sacculus in the male genitalia.
The male antennae are fasciculate and the fovea is absent as in Ectropidia
and Diplurodes. The facies of the parvularia group is closest
to that of some Ectropidia but there is intense, dark brown medial
shading on both wings, particularly over the dorsal half.
There are diagnostic features in the male abdomen. The type species and
allies have a strong coremata between segments 4 and 5 and smaller ones between
6,7 and 8. The new species has a pair between 3 and 4, a very weak one between 4
and 5, and a massive double pair between 6 and 7. The feature linking the
species together is the rod-like structure arising from the valve sacculus and,
more particularly, the way the structure kinks at its base, with a transverse
band of sclerotisation extending dorsally to the costa just distal to this kink.
The uncus is slender, tapering, the gnathus strap-like.
The female genitalia have the eighth segment as in Diplurodes and
Ectropidia. The bursa is large, ovate, the signum strong but narrow,
The type species is found in Japan. In Taiwan the taxon S. owadai Inoue
may merit specific status, though it is currently placed as a subspecies of parvularia.
In addition to those listed below the genus includes S. karsholti Sato
comb. n. (Palawan) and S. luzonensis Sato comb. n. (Luzon). N.E.
Himalayan material, referred to S. hollowayi Sato by Sato (1990a), but
described as Diplurodes nepalensis by Sato (1993) represents a further
species, S. nepalensis Sato comb. n.
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