lucidata Walker
Macaria lucidata Walker, 1862 List Specimens lepid. Insects
Colln Br. Mus., 26: 1651.
Diagnosis. The interior margin of the hindwing dark border in the male is almost
straight, darker and distinctly double; the posterior half of the hindwing dark
border is paler, yellowish. The borders in lucidata are broader than in
other Sundanian species.
Taxonomic notes. Holloway (1991) gave the range of lucidata as the Himalaya and
all Sundaland. Information from Dr D. Stüning indicates that two species fly in
Sumatra, one referable to the Himalayan Z. aureata Moore stat. rev., related to the Javan (+ Bali)
Z. marginata Walker
stat. rev., and the
other referable to lucidata with the diagnostic features of facies
mentioned above. The subapical process on the ventral arm of the valve in marginata
is narrow, almost spine-like; in aureata it resembles lucidata in
being more broadly based, obtusely angled basally and produced, acutely angled
distally. Thus lucidata sensu Holloway (1991) is a complex of three
species, though the difference between aureata and marginata may
prove to be clinal.
Geographical range. Borneo, Sumatra.
Habitat preference. Several species have been taken in various lowland
forest types, and one from lower montane forest at 1000m.
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