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Hypephyra Butler

Type species: terrosa Butler, India.

Synonym: Visitara Swinhoe (type species brunneiplaga Swinhoe).

These two genera were brought into synonymy by Yazaki (1993b). They share unusual features of the male genitalia, notably the trifid structure of the valves: a ventral rod-like arm, with a lateral digitate process; a ligulate central lobe (the valvula) overlapped interiorly by a subbasal spur from the dorsal arm, larger than the other processes, setose. The uncus is narrow, horned. The aedeagus has a lateral cornutus associated with fine spicules (Visitara) or a lateral tuft of long, fine spicules (Hypephyra).

The male antennae are strongly ciliate but not bipectinate. The chaetosemata are normal rather than typically macariine. The upperside tends to have a brown or yellowish brown variegated pattern. The underside is much paler with a broad dark border to one or both wings. Species currently referred to Visitara have the hindwing tailed at M1; more typical Hypephyra have the hindwing smoothly rounded.

The female genitalia of terrosa have a short sclerotised ductus, a narrow basal third of the bursa, unsclerotised, and a pyriform distal two thirds containing a typical ennomine ‘spiny mushroom’ signum that is large and strongly asymmetric.

The typical group is largely restricted to mainland Asia, though with taxa in Sumatra and Java. The Visitara group is restricted to Sundaland (the species below), the Philippines (H. charitopis Prout and H. speciosa Yazaki) and Sulawesi (H. undilinea Bastelberger). A group of species misplaced in Hypephyra is discussed under Serratophyga.

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