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Clepsimelea Warren

Type species: phryganeoides Warren.

This monobasic genus has many unique features, and is placed in the Ennominae by virtue of absence of vein M2 in the hindwing; there is also a setal comb on sternite 3 of the male. Both wings are long, narrow, dark grey, the forewings with irregular, dark fasciation. The forewing venation has an elongate areole formed by R1 arising independently from the cell, anastomosing with Sc for a few millimetres before diverging to anastomose shortly with R2 just beyond where the latter branches off from Rs. There is no fovea in the male.

The antennae of both sexes are filiform, somewhat expanded towards the apex before tapering away to the tip. They are dorsally scaled, ventrally
bearing a dense pile of very short setae much as in the Lithinini.

The male abdomen has a transverse lenticular group of setae on sternite 3. In the genitalia the uncus is vestigial, the gnathus prominent, apically produced, hooked upwards. The valves are somewhat ovate distal to a rectangular base, the interior of the lamina broadly setose. There is a broad, complex, furca structure that gives rise to a pair of sabre-like processes. The vinculum is broad. The aedeagus is slender.

The female genitalia have slender, elongate ovipositor lobes and apodemes, a short, narrow, sclerotised ductus, a slender, unsclerotised neck to the bursa, the distal part of which is ovate with a central signum consisting of a small spine set in a triangular, puckered, weakly sclerotised area.

The life history is not known.

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