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Thalatha sinens Walker 
        Orthosia sinens
Walker, 1857, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 11: 746.
        Thalatha sinens ioleuca Prout, 1928, Bull. Hill. Mus. Witley., 2: 72.
        Thalatha sinens Walker;Holloway, 1976: 13.

Thalatha sinens

There is some sexual dimorphism in the hindwing, males having. whitish wings, those of the female being grey. The forewings in both sexes are white, crossed by pale grey fasciae, the medial one being broader and connecting with a longitudinal grey bar posterior to the subtornal black streak. The basal black streak is reduced or lost, the subtornal one consisting of a row of two or three black triangles increasing distally, with a short, separate, marginal streak.

Geographical range.
India, Burma, Sumatra (ssp. ioleuca Prout), Borneo.

Habitat preference.
The specks is infrequent in Borneo, most specimens being taken in lowland forest. Two are from 1200m, in an open limestone area on G. Api and a partly cultivated zone of G. Kinabalu.

Bell (MS) has described the biology. The larva is a similar shape to that of Craniophora fasciata, cylindrical, tapering to a small head anteriorly over the thorax, with a slight constriction at T1. The body is chocolate-brown, lighter ventrally, with primary setae only, white, set on chalazae that are basally black, apically white. The membrane between the first and second thoracic segments is pale orange, seen when stretched.

The larva lives on the underside of leaves of seedlings or bushes of the host-plant within the shade of the forest. It is sluggish, resting with the head curved round to one side. When disturbed, the head and rear part of the body are thrown up over the dorsum to touch the middle of the body, the thoracic legs and mandibles directed upwards, a green juice being emitted from the mouth. Pupation, as in C. fasciata, is in a cell in rotten wood, closed with a web of silk containing particles of wood. The larva will bore into any twig thick enough but often takes advantage of old holes.

The host-plant is Olea (Oleaceae).

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