australis sp. n.
intermediata Bremer; Holloway, 1976: 13.
In facies this species is very similar to intermediata Bremer and polyodon
Clerck but in male genitalia is closer to the former. In both species the
costal processes are long, obtusely bifid, the ventral arm of the right-hand
process apically bifid again; the cucullus is triangular rather than rounded,
the ventral angle with an area devoid of the fine hairs that mostly cover
the interior lamina; this glabrous zone also lacks coronal setae. The distal
angle of the sacculus is acutely angled in intermediata, much less so in australis.
The major differences are in the aedeagus ornamentation: the apical serrate
band of intermediata is lacking in australis; the subapical
process is bifurcate at right angles in australis, a basally reflexed
serrate spine in intermediata.
SABAH: Mt Kinabalu, Power Station, 1930m, Cambridge Expedition to Mt Kinabalu 1965
(H.J. Banks, H.S. Barlow & J.D. Holloway) BM 1986-186 BM noctuid slide
4 (slide
9049), 4
same general data as holotype, localities as listed by Holloway (1976).
range. Borneo,
preference. The
species has only been recorded for G. Kinabalu where it occurs infrequently from
1000m to 2100m.
The genus Hypericum
extends through the Indo-Australian tropics so may well be the larval host
of this species.
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