Araeopteron canescens Walker (Plate 3)

     Isopteryx? canescens Walker, [1866] 1865, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br.
     Mus., 34: 1318.

     Isopteryx? favillalis Walker, [1866] 1865, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br.
     Mus., 34: 1319.

Diagnosis. The wings are very narrow, medium grey and obliquely fasciated, the hindwing medial being conspicuously dark, with a pale band adjacent to it distally that is continued on the forewing submarginally. This is a more rufous tint and more irregular in Bornean material (ab. rubicunditincta Strand).

Geographical range. Australia, New Caledonia; Borneo.

Habitat preference. Only two specimens have been recorded, both from Pulo Laut.

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