Araeopteron rufescens Hampson (Plate 3, Fig 131)

     Araeoptera rufescens Hampson, 1910, Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus.,
     10: 27.

Diagnosis. The apices of the wings are grey, that of the forewing a large area that is centrally pale and bordered basad by an obliquely darker band from the centre of the costa to the tornus. The remaining areas of the wings are whitish with wavy orange fasciation, that of the forewing being semicircular, set on the basal two‑thirds of the dorsum. The hindwing has a black discal mark.

Taxonomic note. A. epiphracta Turner (Australia) has similar facies but is more strongly marked. This species has not been recorded for Borneo, but has been one of the more frequent captures by H.S. Barlow at the Genting Tea Estate. It is therefore included as a further example of the genus.

Geographical range. Sri Lanka, Peninsular Malaysia.

Habitat preference. The Genting Tea Estate is in an area of forest remnants and regrowth amid orchards and other cultivation at about 600m.

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