Donda sailendra Kobes (Plate 1, Figs 19, 20)

     Donda sailendra Kobes, 1983, Heterocera Sumatrana, 2: 5.

Diagnosis. The facies is typical of the genus and can be distinguished from similar Belciana species by the much simpler forewing pattern in conjunction with the dark‑bordered yellow hindwings.

Geographical range. Sumatra, Borneo.

Habitat preference. The species is uncommon, material seen being restricted to an old specimen from Sandakan on the coast of Sabah and one from lowland forest at 30‑60m in the Labi area of Brunei.

Biology. The larvae were reared from a bush of the plant family Urticaceae by E.W. Diehl (Kobes, 1992). The following description is from a colour transparency of the larva of the holotype (original in colln Kobes, electronic image in BMNH).

      The larva has primary setae only, but those on the body are almost as long as the width of each segment, and moderately robust, so that each segment is appears to be ringed by spines, those over the thoracic segments being somewhat curved forwards (see also Cyclodes on p. 13). The head is somewhat rufous but the body is a watery green, ringed or transversely banded on each segment by pale yellow: a broad band at the position of the setae, which are also yellow, and a narrower one posteriorly and anteriorly. On the abdominal segments the broader setal band is truncated dorsolaterally, with the narrower bands on each side converging below the truncation to enclose the rectangular block of yellow thus produced.

      Pupation is in a roomy cocoon that incorporates fragments of leaf (illustrated in the original description).

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