megaloba Hampson
Plusia megaloba Hampson, 1912, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 21:
Plusia megaloba Hampson; Holloway, 1976: 32.
Diagnosis. The forewings are rich brown with the dot of the central maculation
expanded into a very large rounded triangle. The female has a more uniformly
brown hindwing than the male.
Taxonomic notes. In the male genitalia the aedeagus has an extremely large basal bulb in
which the abnormally long vesica is retained; the vesica has a single apical
cornutus; the valves are relatively broad. The modifications of the male eighth
abdominal segment are reduced and there are no lateral hair tufts. There is thus
some similarity to Zonoplusia ochreata.
Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Peninsular Malaysia (G. Ijau), Borneo.
Habitat preference. Bornean material is restricted to three specimens
from G. Kinabalu, taken between 1600m and 2000m in well developed upper montane
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