oxyptera Hampson
Gyrtona oxyptera Hampson, 1912, Cat. Lepid. Phal. Br. Mus. 11:
Diagnosis. The colour and markings of the forewing are somewhat reminiscent of
those of ferrimissalis, but the wings are narrow, apically acute. The
male genitalia have the valve arms dissimilar in size and shape; the harpe is
outcurved, apically asymmetric. The signum of the female bursa copulatrix is
globular, invested with spines to give a stellate structure.
Geographical range. Singapore, Borneo, Sulawesi.
Habitat preference. The species has been taken infrequently in the
lowlands, singly at Miri, Sarawak, and Samarinda, Kalimantan, and, in Brunei,
once in coastal vegetation at Mumong and three times in dry heath forest at
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