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Panilla terminalis Hampson comb. n.
Artigisa terminalis Hampson, 1914, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8), 13: 206.

Panilla terminalis

Panilla terminalis

. There is some sexual dimorphism in this species, with males resembling the previous species quite closely, being a relatively uniform dark brown with fine, irregular mottling and fasciation. The female has a much paler straw-coloured ground, and the darker mottling of the two thirds of the forewing basal to the triangular space between the postmedial and submarginal (see diagnosis of homospila above) is reduced, so this area is predominantly pale. The triangular space is, however, completely dark brown in both sexes.

Taxonomic note. The species was based originally on a single female (see below). Association of a series of males with it is through the characteristics of the fasciation and mottling, but particularly the shape and uniformly dark brown tinge of the forewing. Features of the male genitalia indicate the species is best placed in Panilla.

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference. Only two female specimens are known, the holotype being from Sandakan on the coast of Sabah. A second female was recorded in disturbed lowland forest at 30-60m in the Labi area of Brunei. There is a long series of males from the lowlands of Kalimantan near Pontianak. In recent surveys two males have been taken in lowland forest at 100m on the slopes of G. Santubong, Sarawak, and two more from an area of mangrove and freshwater swamp near Seria on the coast of Brunei.

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