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Hadennia nigerrima Swinhoe
     Walkara [sic] nigerrima Swinhoe, 1918, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9), 2: 93.
     Hadennia umbrina Tams, 1924, J. nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 6: 261, syn. n.


Hadennia nigerrima

Hadennia nigerrima
Figure 219
Figure 227

The wings of this species and hisbonalis Walker are much more uniform than in congeners, the only strong fasciation being a straight submarginal (oblique on the forewing, transverse and more basal on the hindwing) that is darker brown, grading thus from the ground colour basad, edged by a fine mauvish line distad. There is brown distal to this in nigerrima, but hisbonalis is suffused mauve beyond another narrow brown line and grading slightly more mauve over the basal part of the wings. The forewing has a fine straight antemedial and an acutely flexed postmedial as in other species but these are indistinct. The yellow discal spot of the forewing is very small. Males of nigerrima have the hindwings enlarged, with straighter distal margins and a concave costal margin; the scaling on the underside is velvety black. The male antennae are not noded, but the labial palps are strongly recurved close to the head; the fore- and hindlegs have prominent tufts of black scales. The male forewing subcostal flap conceals a black hair-pencil. Males of hisbonalis have the hindwings unmodified, but the labial palps have a paler hair pencil on the third segment.

Taxonomic note. This species was originally described from Nias I. It is very similar in facies and male secondary sexual characters to umbrina Tams (Thailand). These taxa are therefore treated as synonymous.

Geographical range. Nias, Borneo, Thailand.

Habitat preference. Older material only has been seen, consisting of specimens from 85 miles above (?upstream from) Pontianak in Kalimantan and two without precise data from N. Borneo (Sabah).

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