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Adrapsa abnormalis Swinhoe
     Adrapsa abnormalis Swinhoe, 1895, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6), 15: 16.


Adrapsa abnormalis
Figure 258

This is a large species with ciliate antennae in the male. The upperside of the wings is dark brown, shaded with paler greyish brown extensively over the area distal to the irregular postmedial of the forewing and much more narrowly in a similar position on the hindwing. The underside is uniformly this paler shade from the upperside except for straight, linear postmedials and more punctate submarginals in dark brown; there is a reversed flap of scales over the basal half of the costa in the male.

Taxonomic note. The genus name Pancroides, attributed to A.E. Prout, is used in the BMNH curation, but a valid description has not been published. The species is retained in Adrapsa by Poole (1989). The male labial palps are upcurved, with the distal half erect, extending up to twice the height of the head. The second segment is bottle-shaped, with a scale tuft dorsally on the neck of the bottle. The small, short, third segment also has a small triangular tuft of scales dorsally. The underside of the male forewing has a subcostal flap as in ablualis. The male eighth segment is of the framed corematous type as in Adrapsa. In the genitalia, the valve is simple, tongue-like, and has a structure at one third that runs from the distal end of the sacculus obliquely across to the costa. The aedeagus vesica is expanded transversely, has a few small diverticula, but lacks obvious scobination. The species is probably best retained in its original genus for the time being, though the valve of the male genitalia is more as in Bocana Walker.

Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Thailand (Kononenko & Pinratana, 2005), Java, Borneo.

Habitat preference. Two specimens have been taken in recent surveys in Borneo, both from lowland dipterocarp forest: at 150m on the lower slopes of G. Mulu; at 300m in the Ulu Temburong of Brunei. However, Chey (1994) recorded two from secondary forest in the lowlands of Sabah near Brumas. Nine specimens were recorded from both logged and unlogged lowland forest at around 170m near the Danum Valley Field Centre (S.J. Willott, unpublished data).

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