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Adrapsa ereboides Walker
     Badiza ereboides Walker, 1864, J. Proc. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 7: 196.
    Adrapsa asbolodea Rothschild, 1920, J. fed. Malay St. Mus., 8: 122, syn. n.


Adrapsa ereboides
Figure 246
Figure 254

This and the next two species have similar dark brown wings with strong postmedial fasciation (appearing medially on the hindwing) and incomplete, irregular submarginals that enclose the generic pale patch on the anterior half of the forewing margin. In ereboides the postmedials are more or less straight and usually have the ground paler immediately distal to them, grading away darker. See also the species described next for comments on the genitalia.

Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra.

Habitat preference. The species is infrequent in both primary and secondary forest in the lowlands, not recorded above 200m in recent surveys.

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