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Bertula angulifascia sp. n.

Bertula angulifascia
Figure 100

, 19-20mm. The male antennae are fasciculate and the labial palps are more distinctly tufted apically than in delosticha. The forewing colouring and patterning is similar to that of delosticha, but the medial zone is slightly paler than the rest of the wing. The antemedial and postmedial fasciae defining this zone are narrowed and slightly more obscure than in delosticha, as is the reniform. The antemedial is oblique in the reverse direction to that of delosticha and converges even more on the postmedial towards the dorsum. The postmedial has two angles, crossing the wing obliquely in a shallow zig-zag. The hindwing is fasciated as in delosticha but more obscurely as in the phlegeusalis group. The third segment of the labial palps is scaled all over. The male genitalia have the valves constricted centrally such that the apical half appears spatulate. The saccus is long, tapering. The proportions of the diverticula of the aedeagus vesica differ from those of delosticha, and the scobination of the distal zone is barely apparent.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site 15, February, Camp 2.5, Mulu, 1000m. 413461, lower montane for., BM noctuid slide 19449.

Paratypes: 1 Kina Balu, (ex Staudinger), 1896; 2 Kina Balu, N. BORNEO; 1 Kina Balu, N. BORNEO (J. Waterstradt).

Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia.

Habitat preference. All material is from montane localities: G. Mulu and G. Kinabalu in Borneo; G. Ijau in Peninsular Malaysia. Only that from G. Mulu (the holotype and a second specimen not retained) has precise data, being from lower montane forest at 1000m.

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