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Bertula alpheusalis Walker
     Bertula alpheusalis Walker, [1859] 1858, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 16: 165.

Bertula alpheusalis

Bertula alpheusalis
Figure 63

This and the next few species have similar facies, but vary in the development of the male labial palps. In alpheusalis and the next two, the first and second segments recurve to the back of the head, and the straight and longer third segment runs from there to the back of the thorax. The forewings are violet-grey distally, blackish basally, these areas separated by a pale creamish medial zone with paler fasciae defining it on each side, and there is a shallowly lunulate discal mark within the stepped-out portion of the postmedial. The posterior section of the postmedial is concave distad, and the antemedial is shallowly concave basad. The band is narrow in the male, but broader and more irregularly defined in the female. The male hindwing has the centre of the distal margin much straighter than in the female. The male foreleg is densely tufted with scales, and the antennae are ciliate with one more robust bristle per segment.

Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Taiwan, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo.

Habitat preference. The species is uncommon in the lowlands, several specimens being taken in lowland heath forest and coastal forest.

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