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Polypogon decipiens Owada comb. n.
     Mixomelia decipiens Hampson, 1898, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 11: 708.
    Nodaria terminalis Wileman, 1915, Entomologist, 48: 36.


Polypogon decipiens
Figure 304
Figure 312

The male antennae are ciliate, but the labial palps are straight, four times as long as the head, rather than recurved as in typical Herminia, the second segment directed forwards, much longer than the third, which can be reflexed. The facies is described below, the fasciation more irregular than is usual in Herminia. The wings are brownish grey, the hindwings paler than the forewings, the distal margin of the latter sometimes rather angled centrally. The Bornean specimens recorded are worn, so this description is based on the Indian holotype (see also Owada, 1987: fig 76). The fasciation is more irregular than in the next two species, the forewing submarginal being sinuous, and the postmedial being both sinuous and irregularly dentate. There is broader and darker shading medially and just basal to the submarginal. The hindwing has an obtusely angled submarginal typical of the generic complex, and there is also a faintly darker postmedial fascia.

Taxonomic note. The synonymy above may need to be reviewed when variability in the basal ornamentation of the aedeagus vesica can be assessed over a wider range of material. The male abdomen has an eighth segment of a well developed framed corematous type, the sternite with long lateral rods. The genitalia have a long and slender uncus. The valves are of the Herminia type (see p. 124) with a slender, straight costal process, though this is very long, tapering acute, extending just beyond the valve apex. The aedeagus vesica (none everted) has a few large cornuti basally and more general finer scobination distally. The female genitalia are typical of the Polypogon group.

Geographical range. Himalaya, Taiwan, northern Ryukyu Is., Borneo.

Habitat preference. The only Bornean specimens seen are a male from 1620m on G. Kinabalu that was not included by Holloway (1976) as its identity was unclear at that time, and a female from upper montane forest at 1780m on G. Mulu.

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