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Hypena jugalis Walker
     Hypena jugalis Walker, [1859] 1858, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 16: 63.
    Bomolocha tuma Swinhoe, 1901, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7), 8: 21, syn. n.

Hypena jugalis
Figure 407

This is a variable species that shows slight sexual dimorphism, with females tending to have stronger contrast in the pattern, particularly where a more fawn ground colour is evident. Males tend to have the ground colour more strongly suffused with a rather violet grey that is generally darker. There is a dark brown medial area based on the costa and bounded posteriorly by a strongly oblique antemedial and a transverse, triarcuate postmedial. These fasciae and the dark area fade away at about one third from the dorsum. The apical lens grades conspicuously paler at its posterior boundary and contains two white spots with associated black areas, being components of the submarginal.

Taxonomic note. Lödl (1999e) suggested that tuma Swinhoe was possibly a synonym of jugalis. This is formalised here. The Sumatran H. approximalis Snellen appears from the original illustration to be jugalis or the next species. The oblique pale streak on the basal half of the forewing is as in jugalis but the relatively uniform dark tone of the wing is atypical. The type material (in RMNH, Leiden) cannot be located.

Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra (Lödl,1999e), Borneo. The illustrations attributed to H. assimilis Hampson for Thailand by Kononenko & Pinratana (2005) may also be of jugalis.

Habitat preference. The species is frequent in lowland forest and has not been recorded above 1300m. In sampling from logged and unlogged lowland forest at 170m near the Danum Valley Field Centre in Sabah (S.J. Willott, unpublished data), 23 specimens were taken in understorey samples from unlogged forest, none from canopy samples and one from logged forest (see also H. ischyra Prout).

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