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Xenochroa spp.

A number of specimens with facies and male genitalia placing them in the sequence just discussed do not fit precisely with any of the species. The facies is more of the fuscomarginata type in the first three, but with a more vinous and rufous variegation.


Xenochroa sp. 10695

Slides 10695 (Fig 320), 17916. A series from coastal and heath forest and possibly lowland dipterocarp forest in Brunei and from the Mulu survey. This may also be the species referred to fuscosa by Kobes with genitalia illustrated in his fig 408. The genitalia are close to those of fuscosa but with a larger group of somewhat shorter, more robust cornuti with broader bases. The genitalia match those of X.
sibolgae Roepke (Sumatra) in this, but the facies of sibolgae is a more uniform brick red as in fuscomarginata.


Xenochroa sp. 10696

Slide 10696 (Fig 322). A single specimen from dipterocarp forest (150m) at the foot of G. Mulu. The genitalia are again similar to those of fuscosa but the cornuti are longer and more slender. The genitalia illustrated by Kobes for dohora in his fig 386 look comparable.


Xenochroa sp. 17860

Slide 17860 (Fig 321). Two rather large, robust specimens, one missing its abdomen, from 30-60m in lowland forest at Labi in Brunei. The vesica is large, with three robust spines aligned in a dorsal position.


Xenochroa sp. 17911

Slide 17911 (Fig 324). A specimen from the coast of Brunei at Seria with facies tending more towards that of dohora but with a diffuse rufous band in the centre of the zone just distal to the postmedial. The vesica is more as in fulvescens.

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