Plotheia exacta Semper comb. n.
ssp. n.
Gadirtha exacta Semper, 1900, Reisen Archipel. Philipp., 2: 527.
Gadirtha sara Swinhoe, 1901, Ann. Mag. nat.
Hist. (7),
7: 489.
Gadirtha exacta ab. atrisuffusa Strand, 1917, Arch.
82 (A1): 85.
Gadirtha exacta ab. olivascens Strand, 1917, Arch. Naturgesch.,
82 (A1): 85.
Gadirtha exacta atrisuffusa Gaede and olivascens
Gaede, 1937, Gross-Schmett. Erde,
11: 400.
Gadirtha medionigra Roepke, 1938, Bull. Mus.
r. Hist. nat. Belg.,
14 (13): 28.
Gadirtha exacta Semper; Holloway, 1976: 21.
18-20mm, 20-22mm. The forewings are a dull
brownish green with finely crenate, strongly curved fasciae, particularly the
double postmedial. There is an irregularly triangular, variegated grey patch on
the costa at the apex. The hindwings are brown, grading slightly paler basad,
though less distinctly so than in other races. The forewings are generally more
uniform and less variable than in other races. The male genitalia have the
‘socii’ more slender than in other races, and the sclerotised area in the
diaphragma between the sides of the tegumen is not distinctly crinkled.
The small spine on the sacculus is much more slender.
SABAH: Mt. Kinabalu, Park H.Q., 1620m., vii-ix.1965, Cambridge Expedition to Mt.
Kinabalu 1965 (H.J. Banks, H.S. Barlow & J.D. Holloway), BM noctuid slide
(slide 9344), 1
as holotype; 1
as holotype but Power Station, 1930m; 1
NORD BORNEO: Mont Kina Balu, 5.8.1903 (John Waterstradt).
Geographical range. Philippines; Borneo (ssp. gracilis); Sulawesi (ssp.
medionigra); Talaut (ssp. sara); New Guinea, Queensland, Solomons
(ssp. olivascens).
Habitat preference. The species is infrequent from 1200m to 1930m, and is
only known from G. Kinabalu.
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