Meganola Dyar
Type species: conspicua Dyar, U.S.A.
This genus-group name was used by Poole (1989) to include all taxa previously
assigned (e.g. Hampson, 1900) to
Hübner (see Franclemont, 1960; Poole, 1989; Holloway & Miller, 1995)
except a few such as
that he treated as distinct. As discussed on p. 14, these genera (though not
typical Meganola
(Hampson, 1900)) and
(a record of loose stacking) and a small number of others include records of
head capsule stacking in the larvae. All except
have quadrifine hindwing venation with M3 and CuA1 stalked (almost to the margin
in M. conspicua). The forewing venation is as in
(see above), with all radial sector veins present (with a small areole in some
species, including
Holloway & Miller (1995) indicated this concept was paraphyletic and associated
with it taxa such as
that were excluded from their strict concept of
However, these taxa have reduced forewing venation and trifine hindwing venation
that, in combination with features of the male abdomen, enable them to
be separated from Meganola, leaving a smaller paraphyletic assemblage
that has, by and large, complete venation, bipectinate male antennae, rather
plesiomorphic male genitalia and the more advanced ‘invaginated signum’ type of
female genitalia.
A number of Bornean species are here placed under this more restricted but
probably paraphyletic concept of Meganola, as no strong classificatory
signal was detected in features of the male and female genitalia that would
permit new generic groupings to be recognised.
However, the first four species treated and the ones to which they are related
share a slight sexual dimorphism in the hindwing: uniform grey in females;
grading paler towards the dorsum in males.
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