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“Meganola” manoboides sp. n.


"Meganola" manoboides

, 9mm. The general facies, particularly of the forewing, is similar to that of the many
Manoba species described later, but the hindwing has quadrifine venation, with M3 and CuA1 stalked. The forewing postmedial is shallowly sigmoid, and the antemedial is curved concave basad. There is a series of dark marks on the cosa: a subbasal oblong, a central triangle and two smaller flecks distal to the postmedial. The wing grades darker grey towards the distal margin, enclosing an irregular pale submarginal. The male genitalia have the uncus similar to basalactifera and the next species, but the valve is broadest centrally, with a triangular flap from the costa directed ventrally within this broad part. The harpe is relatively basal, broad, rather like a cupped hand. The aedeagus is short, the vesica unevenly bilobed and extensively scobinate. The female has a short ductus, an elongate, pyriform corpus bursae with a small, subapical, balloon-like appendix bursae, and, at the base of the expanded part of the bursa, a single small signum of the derived type.

Holotype . SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D.Holloway et al.), Site 15, February, Mulu, Camp 2.5, 1000m. 413461, lower montane forest, BM noctuid slide 17103.

Paratypes: 2 (slide 17775) as holotype but Site 16, March, Long Pala (Base), 70m. 324460, alluv./second. for.; 1 as holotype but Site 8, February, Camp 1, Mulu, 150m. 385470, mixed dipt. for.; 1 MALAYSIA: Sabah, Tawau Hill, 300m along Sungei Tawau near trail to Air Panas river bed in primary/riverine forest, at light, 28.iii.2001 (J.P. & M.J. Duffels) (in Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam).

Geographical range. Borneo.

Habitat preference.
Material was taken in forest from the lowlands to 1000m.

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