Mniothripa sp. 17096
A female
(9mm) from the lowlands of Kalimantan (85 miles above [N. of or upstream from?]
Pontianak) is a paler grey than fletcheri on the forewing, with a
straight rather than curved antemedial, so it may represent a sixth Bornean
species. The genitalia have a narrow ostium and a ductus that expands gently
over some length before widening abruptly into a large, pyriform bursa. The
ductus seminalis arises from one-third along the ductus, and beyond it one side
has a band of sclerotisation that runs up to the bursa. There are two four-spined
spicules, one near the base of the ductus and one in the ductus seminalis,
presumably for the aedeagus vesica of the otherwise unkown male and indicating
closer affinity to argenteopurpurea and lichenigera than to the
bradleyi group.
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