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Negeta contrariata Walker
Negeta contrariata Walker, 1862, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 24: 1105.
Ariolica? signata Walker, [1863]1864, J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 7: 54, syn. n.
Nertobriga reversa Walker, [1862]1864, J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 7: 75, syn. n.
Ariolica leucospila Walker, 1865, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 33: 788, syn. n.
Doranaga apicalis Moore, 1887, Lep. Ceylon, 3: 553.
Nertobriga signata ab. costalis Strand, 1917, Arch. Naturgesch., 82 (A1): 92.
Nertobriga signata ab.
discalis Strand, 1917, Arch. Naturgesch., 82 (A1): 92.
Nertobriga signata ab.
subterminalis Strand, 1917, Arch. Naturgesch., 82 (A1): 92.
Nertobriga signata costalis Gaede, discalis Gaede and subterminalis Gaede, 1938, Gross-Schmett. Erde, 11: 449-450.
Negeta soliera Swinhoe sensu Kobes, 1997: 71.


Negeta contrariata

The general appearance is as in the generic account. The subapical triangular patch is shallow relative to that of other species and usually with the basal side longer than the distal; however, its extent and shape is variable, and it can be shaded grey rather than white; the brown ground of the forewing also varies in darkness and variegation, and there may be a darker patch in the reniform position. The male genitalia are diagnostic, the uncus somewhat like the head of a bird. See also the diagnoses of the species following.

Taxonomic note. The type material of the Walker names (all in UM, Oxford) is mostly female, and the species following are based entirely on males, so the synonymy above is based on facies characters.

Geographical range. Indo-Australian tropics east to Australia and Bismarcks.

Habitat preference. The species is infrequent in forest from the lowlands to the lower montane zone, the highest record being from 1000m. Some records are from disturbed forest and plantations (e.g. Chey, 1994).

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