Rhaesena chlorocrota Hampson, 1907, J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 17:
Diagnosis The medial zone of the forewing is bounded by a fine postmedial
and similar antemedial that loop in an angular manner to form it into, on the
right wing, a broad question-mark shape. The forewing is generally greyish brown
but is distinctly tinged ochreous on either side of this medial zone.
Taxonomic note. In the male genitalia there is no saccular shield; there is
also an atypical harpe on the valve. The larval and pupal characters are also
not nolid (see below). The species is certainly misplaced in Urbona.
Geographical range. Sri Lanka, India, Peninsular Malaysia, Java, Borneo,
Sulawesi, Saleyer, Seram.
Habitat preference. A single specimen was taken at 1465m on Bukit Retak in
Biology. The larva and pupa were described from India by Bell (MS). The
larva is elongate, spindle-shaped, of a whitish colour. There are broad brownish
markings between thin dorsal, lateral and subspiracular pink lines. The venter
is tinged yellowish. Prolegs on A3 are absent, they are small on A4 and fully
developed on A5 and A6. The primary setae only are present, black, some on
small, dark, conical tubercles.
The pupa is club-shaped, and has a short, four-pointed cremaster. It is enclosed
in a cell made with two shaped pieces of leaf brought together to form a
cylinder closed at both ends. Specimens in BMNH were reared from larvae on
Vanda (Orchidaceae). Also a specimen from Java is labelled as reared from
orchid leaves, and Kalshoven (1981) noted Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis
and other orchids as hosts. Kalshoven also included Arachis (Leguminosae).
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