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Eupterote naessigi sp. n.

Eupterote naessigi (paratype)
(.61 natural size)

Eupterote naessigi (paratype)
(.61 natural size)

male.gif (860 bytes)male.gif (860 bytes)50-55mm, female.gif (844 bytes)58mm. The ground colour is yellow as in the previous species and fabia Cramer, the type species. Most of the fasciation is much more broken into spots than in these species, more irregular in emphasis. The postmedials are relatively strong, entire, expanding on both wings into a diagnostic broad, triangular dark brown zone anteriorly. The central portion of the hindwing postmedial is straighter than in other species. The female is much more heavily marked postmedially than the male. In the male genitalia the valve is much as in the previous species and the aedeagus vesica is similarly strongly scobinate; in fabia the scobination is very weak.

The male genitalia, particularly the aedeagus and the scobination of its vesica, are somewhat more robust than in the taxa discussed in the taxonomic note; these all lack the anterior broadening of the postmedials.

Holotype male.gif (860 bytes) BRUNEI: 0m, Sungei Kibi, 4460.1452, mangrove, 7-8.iii. 1984 (Maj. T.P.G. Helps) BM eupterotid slide 82.

Paratypes: 2male.gif (860 bytes)male.gif (860 bytes) as holotype; female.gif (844 bytes) BRUNEI: 10.i.79. On Cassia sp. (Rahman); 3male.gif (860 bytes)male.gif (860 bytes) BRUNEI: Ulu Temburong, various data; 1male.gif (860 bytes) Niah Caves Resthouse, SARAWAK, Borneo, 28.x.1978 (T. W. Harman), 1male.gif (860 bytes) SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu National park, RGS Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al:), Site 16, March, Long Pala (Base) 70m, 324450 [Alluvial forest] BM eupterotid slide 23.

Taxonomic notes. A species in Java (slide 83) and possibly Sumatra (slide 85) is much more weakly marked, lacking the anterior triangles to the postmedials; the situation on these islands is being studied by W.A. Nässig. A similarly weakly marked form flies in Luzon (slide 86). In Sulawesi (slide 84) there is a species with intermediate markings to which the name jaresia Swinhoe, based on small specimens from Saleyer I., may be applicable.

Geographical range. Borneo, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia.

Habitat preference. Records have been mainly from lowland rainforest and mangrove.

Biology. The species has been reared from Cassia (Leguminosae) in Brunei. The larva of the Javan taxon is similar to that of amaena but with the dorsolateral pale stripe more distinctive (BMNH specimens); perhaps this was the taxon illustrated by Horsfield & Moore (1858-9).

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