hasora Swinhoe
Odontocraspis hasora Swinhoe, 1894, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (6) 14: 439.
Odontocraspis hasora Swinhoe: Holloway, 1976: 90.
Odontocraspis hasora
Diagnosis. See generic description. The translucent subapical patches and
squarely bifalcate apex of the forewing are diagnostic.
Geographical range. N.E. Himalaya, Burma, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo,
Habitat preference. One of the two Bornean males seen was taken in upper
montane forest at 1660m on G. Kinabalu; the other was from 800m on Mt.
Dulit, Sarawak.
Biology. The Kinabalu specimen was taken flying by day, resembling
somewhat a hesperiid butterfly.
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