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Antheraea rosieri Toxopeus comb. n.
Loepantheraea rosieri Toxopeus, 1940, Ent. Meded. Ned.-Indie, 6: 59.
Loepantheraea rosieri Toxopeus; Allen, 1981: 118; Holloway, 1982: 193; Lampe, 1985: 14.

Antheraea rosieri
(.65 natural size)

Antheraea rosieri
(.65 natural size)

Antheraea rosieri
(.65 natural size)

The species is distinguished in both sexes by the replacement of the wing ocelli by an archipelago of hyaline patches. Both sexes are mainly grey, the male with a dark streak at the posterior edge of the forewing cell; anterior to this streak the forewing is suffused with yellow to a variable degree.

Taxonomic notes. The male genitalia are closer to those of other Asian Antheraea than are those of American taxa, but all possess the strongly apomorphic features described in the generic introduction. Therefore, despite the unusual ocellar zones, this species is placed in Antheraea as suggested by Holloway, 1982, subordinating Loepantheraea Roepke to Antheraea Hubner, syn. n.

Geographical range. Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo.

Habitat preference. The moth has been taken most often in lowland forest, but two specimens have been recorded at 1618m on Bukit Retak, Brunei.

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